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Slaughtering close to the farm without fear or stress for our animals ensures that the result of all our efforts is not destroyed.

A sufficiently long and necessary maturation guarantees that the Galloway meat becomes even more tender and the natural flavors embedded in the fine marbling are fully developed.


Slaughtering close to the farm without stress or fear ensures that the result of all our efforts is not destroyed. A sufficiently long and necessary maturation guarantees that the Galloway meat becomes even more tender and the natural flavors embedded in the fine marbling are fully developed. You can taste the variety of herbs and grasses eaten.


Just in time before the new grill season begins, we will be organizing it together with our dedicated master butcher Christian in Neuenstein on April 22nd. a disassembly workshop with the topic: Special cuts. Roast beef, fillet, entrecôte and rump are always in demand. But a Galloway has many more tasty cuts of meat that we want to get to know and try together. Afterwards, all cuts are grilled by an experienced chef and can be tasted straight away. As farmers and owners of the lovable Galloways, we in particular strive to treat our animals with appreciation and respect until the end. This means, if possible, using all of the beef and achieving the best result with the right cut when cutting, so that you can then enjoy the different aromas, tenderness and intensity of taste later when preparing it. By “looking over our shoulders” and exchanging experiences among colleagues, we will all certainly learn something new and go home with lots of new ideas. Since the number of participants is limited, please fill out the contact form by April 5th. register. Cost contribution €70.00 per person. Directions and further information after registration.


One of the most important nutrients for our body and mind are omega-3 fatty acids. These strengthen the membranes of the nerve cells, which has been proven to have a positive effect on the body's ability to deal with depressive moods. But above all, Omega-3 helps effectively against various inflammatory processes in our body. Since our body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids itself, we should ideally provide them regularly by eating pasture-raised Galloway meat. On the other hand, the excess of Omega-6, which we consume, for example by eating meat from factory farming, vegetable oils and industrially prepared meals, leads to numerous serious illnesses.


It is only slaughtered when an animal is completely sold. Like most direct marketers, we sell 10 kg or 5 kg mixed packages. Of course, we try to take individual customer requests into account wherever possible. Next dismantling dates: Upon request Burger paddies and beef sausages are always in stock. If you are interested, please contact us via the contact form or by phone. Congratulations and thank you very much for your purchase! Our Galloway meat not only tastes good, but is also valuable and digestible. The way it is produced here – you can enjoy it with a clear conscience. Because our animals get what they want, not just what they need. We don't make any compromises! Please help future generations to leave behind healthy soils and diverse nature.

Breeding community Kraft & Bock Am Lohe 6 34633 Ottrau

Horst Kraft

Mobile +49 (0) 172 7116115

facebook: Galloways from Bechtelsberg

Anna and Johannes Bock

Mobile +49 (0) 151 42325967


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